I kept a running list of ideas that I wanted to include in my rock ‘n roll journey if the opportunity presented itslef. There was not a natural place to mention these important ideas and guiding principles. I mention them here because they’ve essentially become part of my DNA.
Just because something is happening in your head doesn’t mean it is not real.
Live long and prosper.
Be (like) water, my friend.
Did you know it’s alright to wonder?
Para todos….todo. (For everyone….everything.)
Music is the weapon of the future.
Don’t ever lose that little spark of madness, because it keeps you alive.
Stay gold, Pony Boy, stay gold.
La vida es proceso. (Life is process.)
Mitakuye Oyasin (We are all related.)
The best competition I have is against myself to become better.
As soon as a child is born, he or she should be issued a dog and a banjo.
My Favorite Ideas for Hashtags
#NSF4Humanity [Never Stop Fighting for Humanity]
I can feel color in the music.
The Universe can speak through the unwritten past.
Epitaph: TYDL I can see clearly, now!